7/6/2006 陰
題目是”What happens to a dream come true?”
What happens to a dream come true?
Does it sound like fireworks booming in the sky in all different colours?
Or mom's delicious gourmet cooking?
Maybe delicious mango pudding.
It's like a soft fur of a cat. Maybe even sounds of doves chirping in a tree.
Or does it look like a baby sound asleep?
What happens to a dream come true?
Does it taste like a big sweet candy?
Does it smell like cookies?
Does it hear like fireworks?
Does it seen like some butterfly flying on a water?
Does it touch like a mountain of golden?
Whatever you think when dream come true it will be the best!
What happens to a dream come true?
Does it smell like sweet honey?
Does it taste like sweet chocolate?
Does it hear like firework? Maybe it seen like a bird flying in the blue sky.
Does it touch like big golden trophy?
I like dream come true. Do you like it?
What happens to a dream come true?
Does it smell like sweet success?
Maybe it feels like 10 pounds have just lifted off your shoulder.
Do the silver sparks of the sparklers leap into the air?
Maybe it taste like sweet cotton candy that had just puffed up.
Like a butterfly just hatching out of its cocoon.
What happens to a dream come true?
Does it taste like a box of candy that's very sweet and delightful?
Does it look like a colorful flower that has just bloomed; it makes me want to cheer up.
Does it sound like a bird happily chirping on the branches?
Does it feel like a hot balloon flying in the calming blue sky?
It feels very free and superior.
When my dream comes true, it makes me feel like I'm a rainbow.
It's an attractive memory in my mind.
What happens to a dream come true?
Does it erupt like fireworks in the night sky?
Or does it reek like the smoke left behind?
Is it the sun after a thunderstorm?
Or is it medicine bitter, sticky-sweet?
Is it a warm summer breeze or a cold cruel wind?
That all depends on you!
看完這些孩子的詩, 是不是覺得他們真的很棒呢?
老師今天又教了一些Dialogue方面的用法, 包括把說的人放在句子的前面, 中間或後面. 所以今天的Howework就是寫一篇關於Dialogue的文章, 主角是人與動物.
下午, 騎馬教練開始教跳躍, 小技巧是眼睛看上面, 其實主要的用意是要孩子不要向下看才不會怕。Anderson以為是整個頭向上看, 所以跳起來不太一樣。
教練有一隻狗叫Wishbone, 它每次都在馬場裡跟著它的主人。今天當孩子們在練跳躍時, 它就趴在旁邊, 害得孩子們都很怕馬踩到它。
Monica輪照顧馬的時候, 牽到Queenie, 她帶它去outdoor溜但Queenie在生氣, 所以溜不起來。怎麼知道馬在生氣呢?教練告訴他們, 當馬一直發出”嘶嘶”的叫聲時, 就表示它在生氣, 這時就像哄小孩一樣要安撫它, 不要硬拖, 否則很容易會被馬踢傷。
今天最後清馬的時候, Joy的馬Bob, 腳上刺到好大一個木塊, Joy就請教練來拔,拔到後教練很心疼的抱抱它, 老外愛動物真的是成癡!
一直迫不急待的要寫這一段, 所以把前面草草帶過。今天晚上我們去看Canada Cup女壘邀請賽。今天是Chinese Taipei vs Canada.
每年七月的第一個星期都會有加拿大杯女壘賽, 且中華隊都會來參加。前面幾場因為時間的關係, 所以我們都沒辦法看, 今天的比賽在晚上6:30開始, 所以我們早早吃了晚飯, 就到我們家附近的Softball City去看比賽。根據分析, 這兩隊應該是實力相當, 所以整個場地坐滿了人, 應該是很精彩。且這一場球是關鍵性的球賽, 決定那一隊可以進入決賽。比賽前,Anderson問說:「我們現在住在加拿大就是加拿大人,那我們應該為那一隊加油呢?」
比賽開始前兩局,雙方都掛零,也都沒有讓對方上壘,到了第三局下半,加拿大得了一分,有點緊張,第四局下半,加拿大又得一分,這下子更緊張了,到了五局上半,我們靠著密集的安打,一口氣拿下三分,這時才稍為穩定軍心。到了六局下半,加拿大又得了一分,打成平手,七局雙方都掛零,所以延長比賽,我們在八局上半,又拿到一分,所以下半場只要守住就贏了。偏偏八局下半又讓對方得了一分, 所以再延一局,九局上半我們二壘有人,因為對方的失誤跑上三壘,但因為求分心切,所以她又繼續往本壘跑,可結果被刺殺在本壘前,因此沒能得分。到九局下半,不知是否是壓力的關係,一連串的失誤,造成滿壘,最後一個失誤,讓對方得分因此結束比賽,以4:5一分飲恨。
孩子們第一次看現場比賽,也受到緊張刺激的感染,知道另一隊中華女壘青年隊已打入決賽,明天有比賽,所以他們都一直吵著要來看,甚至要攜牲明天的camp來看。所以看現場是很容易被感染的。 最後Brian, Tony and Anderson都拿到一顆中華女壘隊的簽名球,大家都很高興。